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The Key to More Growth and Freedom in your Life Starts with You

A Workshop: Establishing Powerful Business Habits

June 9-10, 2022

Success can be a cruel teacher. On the one hand, you have achieved things that you only hoped for when you started out in business but, on the other hand, it turns out there is a price to be paid for your success.

What's the price you pay, you ask?

Your time... the universal finite resource.

Time becomes scarce the more successful you are. You start trading nights out with the family for time in the office. Just to get to that next step. You promise that after just a little bit more success, then you will slow down.

Eventually you do slow down. Not because you stopped but because your mind and body stopped you on your behalf. It's called burn out. Burn out sucks your motivation and enthusiasm for your business. The worst part is that it's completely avoidable.

Habits can be the best of servants or the worst of masters.

The Business Habits, Strategic Business Forum workshop was developed with the realization that you can have the best strategy, plan, team, etc. but it won't matter if the leadership of the team becomes the bottleneck of the business and keeps the team from reaching its' full potential. If you are wondering after reading this if you are the bottleneck, you probably are.

In this workshop you will learn the four key areas of creating high leverage in your business.


  • Team Building
  • Financial Management
  • Systems and Processes in Your Business
  • Marketing Activities

You will uncover your unproductive thought processes that hold you back and come up with actionable solutions to overcome your unproductive habits.

This is what one of last year's attendees had to say about the workshop:

I don’t really have any obstacles when it comes to attending a workshop because I feel like it is important for me to make time. As a result of attending [the] workshop I discovered a few things about my business: My vision and culture need to be established, a management system needs to be developed and I need better accounting. The content seems like it was written for me as almost everything needs to be improved on or better yet, initiated. Beth and I have a better understanding of the ground work we need to lay to properly grow our company. I enjoyed meeting other business owners and listening to their stories. Others should attend this workshop because it seems like almost all business owners could use at least some of the content provided."

  • Greg Bulgarelli

I always say there is a five to six figure idea at every workshop for every attendee, this one is no different.

Your key to your businesses growth and freedom for the future lies in the amount of expansion that you create for yourself. As you grow, so will your business. The foundation starts with the personal habits you utilize to achieve success.

So carve out the time and do yourself, as well as your team and your customers, a favor by getting a seat to this powerful workshop.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Brandon Allen

Creator of the Strategic Business Forum

Founder of the New Work Revolution

PS... These workshops typically sell out, like for real sell out, so don't wait too long to get your ticket.

What Past Participants Have Said About the Strategic Business Forum Workshops

The workshop helped me discover limiting beliefs and hidden obstacles that held me back from getting on the same page with my team. It was also nice to disconnect from the daily activities and focus on the big picture. I definitely recommend others attend these workshops!

Miran H.

  • I love opportunities to learn and grow and I'm always looking for more. After attending the workshop I discovered that I need to implement the strategic planning methods in my business. The planning outlines were great! It was a really good gut check and a great refresher of what I know and need to engage. Overall, it was really great information. Thank you!

Brent M.

As a result of attending Brandon's workshop, I discovered that the people in our business are such a vital key to our success. I specifically liked the features on communication and delegation versus relegation. Another benefit of attending is that my personal life can also improve by implementing some of these features. I give it a 10 and recommend others attend.

Mallory S.

After attending the workshop, I discovered I need to say aloud a new direction for my business. It was great discussing and I liked the side deep dive with other participants. I give this workshop a 10 and recommend others attend. 

Andrew K.

Does this Sound Like this Would be Helpful to Your Business and Your Leadership? Here’s What to Do Next….

This workshop is 2 days, onsite in Salt Lake City Utah. Its available to current coaching members, past coaching members and business owners who just want to get a feel for what we do. Attendance is limited to 30.

Our workshops are thought provoking and interactive. In addition to attending the workshop, you will also get a workshop debrief call to ensure that all your questions get answered and you have what you need to implement the material.

The investment to attend this workshop is $1,000 ($500 early-bird may still be available!)

(includes 2 tickets for business partner or spouse)

If you are a current or former coaching member, you can attend at a 50% discount (ask us for your code)

The Value of Your Investment is Guaranteed

Look I get just as nervous as you do about plunking down any amount of money for my personal development and the success of my business. I don’t want that to be a serious hang up for you. Our workshops are great and I know they are. We have been at this for over twelve years and we have learned a thing or two over that time about delivering a great experience.

For that reason, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the workshop after attending, we will happily refund your investment to the workshop.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Where is this workshop?

The workshop will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah - Upon registration, you will receive the details on the location, recommended hotels, etc.

+ How much does it cost?

The workshop fee is $1,000. All current & former coaching clients can attend with at least a 50% discount. Earlybird discounts may be available. Click to register to see available options.

+ What if something happens and I'm unable to participate/attend?

By registering, not only will you still get the recordings and resources but also a credit toward another workshop which we do nearly every month. Of course you can also request a refund and we will make sure you are taken care of. Sometimes things happen and we get it.

+ I have other questions...

Make sure to hit us up on the chat bubble (in lower right) or email us at You can also call anytime 801-618-8005 and we will get your questions ansawered.

What Are You Waiting For?