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Register for our next virtual workshop experience….
Frictionless Leadership
There's a quote that says "Habits can be the best of servants or the worst of masters."
You can't control all of the things that happen in your life but what you can control is how you respond to them.
This virtual course was created to support you in removing the unnecessary friction that exists in a business due to the poor habits that exist.
You don't have to be stressed or miss deadlines or let people step over your boundaries. You can't have a clear, empowered to approach to how you use your two precious commodities in business. Your time and energy.
You are guaranteed to walk away from this workshop with:
How to use planning and goals to reduce stress
Clarity on what you really want this year and why
A plan to use your time for the highest priorities currently in your leadership
March 28th, 9am-Noon MST
I just wrapped up a day and a half training on team building and here's what one participant had to say:
"Finding the time to attend a workshop is difficult for me. When I attended Building Empowered Teams I learned that I am holding myself back because of fear, lack of trust and doing fake work.
I enjoyed going deeper into learning the behaviors that I engage in that are contrary to my true goals as a leader. I loved that we addressed not only how to improve my business but how do I improve myself in this process. I would recommend this workshop as it takes you deeper than the nuts and bolts of running a business." ~ Dr Jeff Ayers
Great habits hasn't always come natural to me. It started with identifying what I truly wanted and having the courage to pursue that without apology. This allows me to serve my clients more powerfully and enjoy time with people in my personal life that I love.
I look forward to connecting!
Brandon Allen
Founder of the New Work Revolution
What Past Participants Have Said About the Strategic Business Forum Workshops
The workshop helped me discover limiting beliefs and hidden obstacles that held me back from getting on the same page with my team. It was also nice to disconnect from the daily activities and focus on the big picture. I definitely recommend others attend these workshops!
Miran H.
Brent M.
As a result of attending Brandon's workshop, I discovered that the people in our business are such a vital key to our success. I specifically liked the features on communication and delegation versus relegation. Another benefit of attending is that my personal life can also improve by implementing some of these features. I give it a 10 and recommend others attend.
Mallory S.
After attending the workshop, I discovered I need to say aloud a new direction for my business. It was great discussing and I liked the side deep dive with other participants. I give this workshop a 10 and recommend others attend.
Andrew K.
The Value of Your Investment is Guaranteed
Look I get just as nervous as you do about plunking down any amount of money for my personal development and the success of my business. I don’t want that to be a serious hang up for you. Our workshops are great and I know they are. We have been at this for over twelve years and we have learned a thing or two over that time about delivering a great experience.
For that reason, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the workshop after attending, we will happily refund your investment to the workshop.
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Where is this workshop?
The workshop is 100% virtual - it is conducted using Zoom or a similar app. You will get all the details when you register to attend!
+ How much does it cost?
The workshop fee is $97 if you are not a client. All current coaching clients can attend for free.
+ What if something happens and I'm unable to participate/attend?
By registering, not only will you still get the recordings and resources but also a credit toward another workshop which we do nearly every month. Of course you can also request a refund and we will make sure you are taken care of. Sometimes things happen and we get it.
+ I have other questions...
Make sure to hit us up on the chat bubble (in lower right) or email us at You can also call anytime 801-618-8005 and we will get your questions ansawered.
What Are You Waiting For?